Relax Sauna Black Edition – Portable Infrared Sauna
ar·thri·tis | ärˈTHrīdəs/
noun: Asthma
Arthritis is a painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints which can gradually get worse as we age. There are over 100 different types of Arthritis some of the most common forms are Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), Psoriatic arthitis (PsA), Lyme Arthritis, Gout and Fibromyalgia. These can be found in single or multiple joints with in the body.
How R Far Infrared Therapy may help with…..
Far Infrared Therapy (FIR) is able to penetrate deep into all the tissues of the body including muscles, organs, ligaments, tendons, joints and the bones. Weather it’s (OA), (RA), (PsA) (Gout.) Fibro or Lyme that may be the affliction we feel that there is one treatment that helps them all And that is Far Infrared light therapy (FIR).
By implementing 15 to 30-minute sessions a couple times a week people are finding relief from joint stiffness and pain associated with the different types of arthritis. (FIR) sauna heats up the body’s core temperature allowing for the body to fight off infection and bacteria and causing the body to sweat and release trapped toxins, waste and heavy metals from damaged or diseased cells and allowing for regeneration of new cells.
When a tissue, ligament, muscle or tendon becomes infected or injured there is a lack of cellular energy causing the cells to die. By implementing (FIR) light therapy we are able to increase the energy transporter with in the cells referred to as (ATP) adenosine triposphate.
Increased levels of (ATP) help to make new cells and increase blood flow, oxygen, nutrients and white blood cells to the area reducing pain and inflammation and help aid the body in the process of regeneration and healing of the affected area and tissues.
Far Infrared is also known to activate Arginine an important amino acid that plays a roll in the synthesis of (Nitric oxide) a powerful neurotransmitter and free radical
which has an important effect on cellular function and that helps the blood vessels to relax while improving circulation allowing for oxygen rich blood and nutrients to flow to every part of the body.
Nitric oxide (NO) is also known to play critical role in the regulation of and remodeling of new cells and tissues and acts as a mediator of the effects of pro inflammatory cytokines. An increase in nitric oxide in the blood reduces oxidative stress and increases the function of the mitochondria taking nutrients and turning them into energy in the form of (ATP).
Far infrared increases (ATP) energy to the cells Stimulates production of (Arginine) which plays a role in the synthesis of (Nitric oxide) which regulates, remodels and restructures new cells, bone and tissue helping in the healing process of injured and diseased tissues and cells.
Along with Far Infrared light therapy we suggest a healthy diet, proper nutrition, exercise, Hydration, electrolyte replacement and mineralization in order to help speed up relief and Recovery and optimize the healing process of your condition.
Reduce inflammation, pain and stiffness…
Try the Relax (FDA) registered SkyEye medical lamp and our other internationally award winning patented design of Pure Far infrared products and get the relief that you deserve and you’ve been looking for today…
Wishing you Good health and happiness
– R Health Products |Relax Sauna Co.
A day without Rsauna is like a day without Sunshine.