Infrared therapy is being used for several health purposes like better sleep, weight loss, relaxation, and others. However, there’s one less commonly known application of infrared therapy, and that is to help treat cancer.
Yes, you heard it right. Cancer patients need to strengthen their digestive and immune activity, which is where infrared sauna comes in very handy. When stress is activated, the body ‘fights’ it by focusing on the potentially life-threatening issue. This weakens your immune response and digestive activities. With the help of an infrared sauna, you can relax the body by lowering the sympathetic nervous system activity.
Hyperthermia is used to kill Weaker Cancer Cells
Sensitive cancer cells that are vulnerable to heat can be killed using the hyperthermia technique. Infrared saunas heat the body gently, making it tolerable for the patient. Infrared saunas are a better option than traditional ones for treating cancer because the heat doesn’t just stay over the skin.
Infrared light penetrates inside the skin and affects the cancer cells directly, having more hypothermic effects. With infrared saunas, the light can be easily directed only at the cancer spot.
Infrared saunas don’t damage healthy and normal cells and only have hyperthermic effects on malignant and harmful cells, as discussed by Dr. Irvin Sahni in ‘The Quest for the Cure Continues’. Normal cells remain unaffected by infrared radiation, while the cancerous malignant cells are vulnerable to hyperthermic effects.
According to a study from the Journal of Science & Therapy, 86% of the cancerous cells were killed in the mice using infrared therapy. According to a research published on Pubmed, far infra red treatment significantly reduces tumor size, fluid volume, and (DLA dermato-lymphangitis) for breast cancer patients.
Better Circulation of Blood
Cancer hinders the smooth circulation of blood in the human body. When an infrared sauna is used to warm the skin, the heat makes blood close to the skin to cool off the temperature. Not only does it help in the blood circulation of the entire body, but it also helps ensures better oxygen supply to your lungs.
While the use of oxygen therapies is further researched and, development is still in its infancy, and anyone can experience the benefits of infrared sauna for these purposes. This is especially helpful for older cancer patients who can’t exercise, as it ensures an adequate supply of oxygen to all parts of their bodies.
Another benefit of blood circulation is how it resists infections. The high temperature caused by the infrared sauna works similarly to how the body works during a fever. The fever is our body’s automatic response to tone down and shut the door for infections by becoming warm. An infrared sauna similarly heats the body, significantly increasing blood circulation and killing dangerous microorganisms in the process.
Are you considering buying infrared Saunas And Medical Therapy Lamps to reap the amazing health benefits they provide? At R Health Products Co., we provide Portable Sauna products at affordable rates so that everyone can make use of this technology. Whether you’re looking to buy these for better sleep, relaxation, weight loss, or pain relief for cancer, you won’t be disappointed.
For information, reach out to us today to see how we can help you.